Tortoises are one of the most commonly kept pet reptiles in the UK today. Because of their friendly, inquisitive nature, they're a firm favourite with families who enjoy keeping reptiles. The lifespan of a Mediterranean tortoise at home can be over 100 years.
As natives of arid or tropical climates, tortoises need to be kept in a hot environment at home. Tortoises like to spend part of their day 'basking' at high temperatures to warm their body. Once up to temperature, they will often move to cooler areas. Whilst basking, toretoises also absorb UVB from the sun which enables them to produce vitamin D in their body which is essential for utilising calcium.
The tortoise diet is herbivorous which means that they eat mostly vegeatation, although some species, such as the red-footed tortoise, also enjoys some meat in the diet! At home, a good variety of plant based food is essential for good tortoise health.